Raglan Joyride(1/8/2005)-Someone had a bit of fun this car. Sorry that these are very contrasty, the sun was ultrabright today not ideal to take photos. plus the light meter in my d10 karked it today.
Don McLean – the mountain (not the songwriter!)(1/4/2005)-Don McLean Mountain has lovely views of Manukau harbour. Here you can see both sides of Manukau Heads, the Awhitu end and the Whatipu end. Just mind the maniacal kiwi drivers who drive 100 k/h on loose gravel, narrow gauge mountian roads!
G’Bye 2004, ‘ello 2005!(12/31/2004)-What does a photographer do after New Years Celebrations, he groggily gets up with his last remaining bottle o’ grog and goes to the beach to take photos! Below are some photographs I took New Years morning with my bottles of Lindemans, a fine Aussie wine and excellent subject matter. I ended up topping over […]
Kitekite Falls, Piha New Zealand(12/28/2004)-These photos were taken on Boxing Day 2004. The last image is black & white but I left the fern on the water in colour to try to make it more interesting. I usually don’t do such things but its probably just a one-off time that I play around with black & which and colour […]
Whatipu Christmas(12/28/2004)-Christmas day Zoe, Ash and myself went to Whatipu for a bit of a tramp. We somehow managed to wrangle a 1 tramp to a 4 hour odessey in which we decided to go from the cliffs directly to the ocean… needless to say that never happened! We had to backtrack after getting stuck in […]
bethel’s beach, te henga christmas!(12/27/2004)-There are several more photos that are going here, I thought I would kick it off with this. I’ll add more later, but today is my birthday, number 30 in fact! I’ll be moseying down to the beerstore to get some brewskies and celebrating with my friends later this evening. This is Bethel’s beach on […]
Yawn, yet another rainbow…(12/22/2004)-I could resist whipping out the ol’ d-10 and taking this pic. This one is right off the Port of Auckland. In the distance is some kind of old sailing ship. Taken with my 15-30 Wide Angle. Specs: f/11 180sec, 30mm.
Port Waikato(12/19/2004)-Just found a couple of old pics from port waikato, one of my fav places in all of NZ. Not the best of my work, but I’d thought I’d chuck em up here: feeling crabby: orange reflections: