Polaroid shot of the day

Posted by on Nov 04 2021, in parahanga, Photography, uv id

It was a surprise to receive this email today:

dear parahanga!!!

please have a short look at the cover of polanoid.net [ http://www.polanoid.net/cover ] (http://www.polanoid.net/jump/?to=pictures&uid=13197&pid=385985)

you have won the worldfamous ShotOfTheDay award!

not only is your picture on the cover for the next 24 hours, generating endless fame and glory, but also you have won a shining 10 euros coupon for supersensitive shopping at SUPERSENSE! [ http://the.supersense.com/ ]

here is your very own special couponcode worth 10 EUR: sotd_ha-ha-ha
(minimum orderval 50 EUR)

again big congrats and thank you so much for sharing your polaroids and making this site such an unique place.

you rock

the polanoid team

It’s actually one of my favourite polaroids, and it was taken over ten years ago (2009). Reading the message logs I see a lot people surprised that they also won Shot of the Day – it was bloody hard to win 10 years ago! The algorithm for selection seems to favour older photos. This show’s the sad state of polanoid, its essentially been put on to maintenance mode by the founders, just a step above life support. The community is not engaged, and owners have moved on to other projects. Still, notifications like this are nice: its a time capsule that showcases amazing analogue photography.

I still have some polaroid film in my fridge, one day I’ll have a fire in my belly and shoot again.