Outsource your Social News with cheap overseas labour!

Posted by on May 09 2008, in Uncategorized, zegarkus

Digg, Delicious and Reddit are all fun ‘news buzz sites’ in which that users rank there stories. I for one love to check out Popurls which conglomerates them all together. Usually the stories are quite fascinating, interesting and revelent. The sites that are linked to the stories often get a great deal of traffic boost. This makes them a prime target for spam and strong handed search engine optimisation tactics.

Another interesting example of this is to look how freelancer sites such as getfreelancer do this:

need experienced people who can get my blog to DIGG first page and to freeze it there for some time. bid only when you use different IPs, different ACTIVE digg accounts that digg something else too and do not look too fresh. contact us with your price, number of digg votes and time frame needed for this task. will pay via GAF escrow. link


Project will go to cheapest bid for 50 to 75 natural looking diggs on our article. Budget $35 for 70 diggs in 2 to 3 days

Sir I would like to bid on it. I can do 45 diggs within your stipulated time. i am having 32 own accounts.

You crawl through googles record of getafreelancer and see alot interesting ‘shenanigans’ indeed!