PHP – printing arrays to your screen with print_r
Posted by vonnagy on Jul 03 2009, in php, print_r, zegarkus
this from originally from
print_r() is a handy function to print items in array to your screen. Its a great way to test and make sure your arrays have all the information they need. However its display can get quite messy if you have mulit-dimensional arrays. For example:
The output would look like this:
It shows all the information, however its bit difficult to see what is going on in there, all the arrays are lumped together. A better way of displaying the data would be to add some old school HTML tags such as the pre tags:
Now the out put looks like this:
This is alot easier to read as it stacks the arrays nicely. Finally you just chuck it into a handy function. I use this function to test data, check for errors and much more: