Finding Gaps- Dream from 29-Mar-2005

Posted by on Mar 07 2009, in Dreams, finding gaps, zegarkus

from here

From my journal from 29-Mar-2005:

I dreamed that I was walking from Mission Bay to work. The only difference was that everyone else in Auckland was too! The streets crowded with walkers going to work (no cars).
I noticed I was ‘finding gaps’ between slow walkers and passing them with a brisk jog. I was determined to get ahead of everyone.

First a bit of background. I walked from Mission Bay to Auckland City nearly everyday from 2004 -2005. That is about 7 kilometre walk one (1 hour 15 minutes). So you can see were the walking came in. I walked because I had stuff on my mind. Mainly about my job.
I hated my job – most of my colleagues were alot younger than me and had no ambition. I also had my boss take credit for work that I had done. I was also betrayed by a coworker who I had completely trusted that led to a reprimanding by my management. So I was not happy.
In 2005 I was determined to find a new job. I had turned down an interesting opportunity in January and February. I was on the hunt for the best opportunity. In April I was going to Australia to take a course improve some of my computer skills. I wanted to improve myself and open new opportunities.
Looking back at this simple dream, I just wanted push forward and get ahead in life. I always associated walking with my job because the the 7K walk was the thing I enjoyed most about work. I was finding gaps in the crowds to move ahead – to creatively and forcefully find new opportunities for myself in my career.
The good news was that I found the perfect job a few months later and started it in June. I became a business partner in September! A bit of smug satifisfaction comes from the fact that the old company (which touts itself as being a technology leader) is struggling and falling behind the times!